What We Perform
Our Shift Activity Reporting Module allows users to document their activities during their shift. From enforcing the rules and regulations, to identifying an unlocked door or window, and even receiving a complaint from someone, you can easily track their activities.
Keep track of any Incidents, Violations, Complaints or Rules that were broken in any property at any given time from anywhere; so that you can always take the initiative thanks to Arrow SOS Services being a LIVE-SOLUTION. Everything is documented, easily accessible, and always available for your review.
Shift Activity Reporting Made Easy!
- Document Shift Activities
- Enforcing Rules and Regulations
- Identifying any event
- Receiving Complaint
- Track personnel Activities
Incident Reporting
Arrow Security SOS Incident Reporting Module is unique. It’s an actual incident report with a step by step guide process so no fields are left out. At the end of the report attach pictures and submit last minute notes as well as review everything before submitting the detailed report. The Administration Portal, allows you to run statistical reports including pie charts for you and your clients.
With Incident Reporting you can select the Type of Incident, Date and Time. Also you will have the option to select if an Emergency Responder was called, as well as input full information of the Responder such as his or her Name, Badge Number, Arrival & Departure Times, and even a Case/Alarm Number if one is given.
- Record Incidents as they occur
- E-mail Notifications to Clients and Sites
- Add Photos to incidents
- Step by Step filling process